E.O. Paton Education and Research Institute of Materials Science and Welding

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Admission to bachelor degree

Bachelor Degree - education and qualification level of higher education, which provides a theoretical knowledge and practical skills sufficient to successfully perform of professional duties in chosen specialty.

Admission of foreign citizens to the "Bachelor" Degree program is carrying out on a competitive basis and in the form of testing.

Admission of foreign citizens to the 1st year of study is carried out provided:

  • availability of full secondary education;
  • successful entrance examination (interviews);
  • University invitation.

Rules of admission and required documents for foreign students can be found here: https://istudent.kpi.ua/vstup/to-bachelor-degree.html


Specialty 132 "" is a specialty that where you will learn how to

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Educational Program: Nanotechnologies and Computer-aided Materials Design


SPECIALITY:  131 Applied Mechanics

Specialty 131 "APPLIED MECHANICS" is a specialty that where you will learn how to design and manufacture machines. In fact it is an opportunity to get the best technical education and become a true master of engineering. Applied mechanics is a specialty of a broad profile, which will allow you to understand the components of large-scale industrial production, the structure of any industrial system and even aircraft or spacecraft. You will know how the latest computer technology is implemented in production, operate all the necessary programs freely and develop state-of-the-art approaches to industry optimization. We train high-level professionals for successful career growth in enterprises, international and Ukrainian companies; in analytical, advisory and research activities, where the acquired knowledge and skills are highly valued by employers.

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Educational Program:



Specialty 136 "" is a specialty that where you will learn how to

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Educational Program:


All educational programs are available in Ukrainian. Manufacturing Engineering program is also available in English.