List of State-Funded Research Topics at the E.O. Paton Institute for Materials Science and Welding
Scientific bases of ultrasonic impact and additive technologies for the manufacture of highly loaded UAV parts with improved range
Supervisor: Prof. Svitlana Voloshko -
Physicochemical bases of controlling the structure and properties of self-reinforced metal-ceramic composites to improve the operational reliability of high-temperature parts of aircraft engines
Supervisor: Prof. Oleksandra Yurkova -
Smart nanoscale materials for flexible sensors for mobile non-destructive monitoring of critical elements of aircraft structures
Supervisor: Ivan Kruglov
Creation of the bases of technology of structural elements of cumulative charges of increased efficiency from composite powders of refractory metals
Supervisor: Prof. Petro Loboda -
Nanoscale ordered materials based on CoPt: diffusion formation and magnetic properties
Supervisor: Prof. Igor Vladymyrskyi -
Biodegradable powder materials for orthopedics and highly effective rehabilitation of injured patients
Supervisor: Tetiana Soloviova
High-temperature composite ceramic materials reinforced with high-entropy alloys based on transition metal borides
Supervisor: Prof. Iurii Bogomol -
Features of the formation of ordered FePd and FePt(Pd) nanostructures - functional elements of spintronics, sensors, magnetic recording of information
Supervisor: Prof. Yurii Makogon
Low-temperature formation of nanoscale film materials with shape memory effect for modern microelectromechanical systems
Supervisor: Andrii Orlov -
Physical bases of creation of frame metal-ceramic composites with submicron grain to provide extremely high ballistic characteristics
Supervisor: Prof. Oleksandra Yurkovа -
Creation of the bases of technology of high-speed sintering of submicrogranular metal-ceramic materials
Supervisor: Ievgen Solodkyi -
Structural-phase mechanisms of controlling the complex of surface properties of structural and functional alloys by combined thermal, ionic and deformation effects
Supervisor: Prof. Svitlana Voloshko